Stigma & Gender Bias – Lise


Lise (and her doctor) worried that her symptoms were all in her head.


But men – when they go and complain – right away they go ‘okay let’s take this – you’ve got all the symptoms but for a woman, it’s not. For a woman, they come up with everything. Your weight, your age, your hormones. Everything they come up with, that they wouldn’t come up with for a man. And then we’re looked at as complaining. And because we put the symptoms aside and because we you know care for everybody else first, we’re worried that we’re complaining. We’re worried that it’s in our head. We’re worried that we’re making it all up and that we’re not going to be taken seriously. And then when we do go to the doctor, we’re not taken seriously so then it just reinforces that it’s all in our head.

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